
Ancient wars sparta
Ancient wars sparta

The game was originally intended as the first entry in a franchise to bear the Ancient Wars name, but no further titles were made under that banner. The District Court of Amsterdam later ruled that the game's rights were owned by Playlogic and had never reverted to World Forge. Issuing a breach of contract notice, World Forge claimed that the rights to the game had reverted to them, and so they sued Playlogic. Only a few days after the game was first published, World Forge accused publishers Playlogic of failing to provide the agreed-upon funding during development. World Forge's debut title, the game featured a newly designed game engine dubbed the Ancient Wars Engine (AWE) which was specifically developed by World Forge for Sparta. Although the three campaigns are separate, they do combine to loosely tell an overarching story, depicting the Egyptian uprising against Persian rule, the Second Persian invasion of Greece, and Sparta's resistance to Persia, culminating in the Battles of Thermopylae, Salamis, and Plataea. Set in the Eastern Mediterranean during the years 485-479 BC, the game features three playable races- Egyptians, Persians, and Spartans-each of whom has their own campaign, featuring fictional depictions of historical figures such as Xerxes I, Leonidas I, Demaratus, Inaros II, Pausanias, Mardonius, Artabanus, Megabyzus, and Miltiades. Developed by World Forge and published by Playlogic, it was released in Russia in December 2006, in Europe and North America in April 2007, and in Australia in October 2007. Ancient Wars: Sparta ( Russian: Войны древности: Спарта) is a real-time strategy video game for Microsoft Windows.

Ancient wars sparta